Monday, September 23, 2013

Water (Nile) Monitor Lizard

We saw this lizard outside by a drinking hole where many animals come to visit. In South  Africa it is called a Leguaan. We found out that when they are young they are yellow and black, and when they are adults they are an olive green or a grey-brown color.
When they are threatened they have 5 different ways of defense--they will scratch, bite,defecate (defecate means poop), whip there tail, or run into the water. When the female lays her eggs she will dig a hole in a termite mound. Then the termites will build the mound back and the eggs will be incubated and safe inside. It takes 150 days for the babies to hatch. The young will stay in the termite mound and eat the termites until they are old enough to venture out on their own.


  1. Hi Kaylie, looks like you're enjoying SA! Did you take this picture?Love the animal blogs, keep them coming! xxx Aunt Eileen

  2. Yes, I did take this picture. Kaylie. xoxo

  3. What an interested lizard! I can't believe they live in termite mounds! I haven't seen any at my house yet, but a friend of mine has dozens of little geckos that live around his house that are really cute! And they eat bugs. So I want to take them to my house...
